How to Properly Clean an ATM Machine
ATM Cleaning DO’s

DO: wear protective gloves when cleaning ATMs.
DO: apply 70% isopropyl alcohol to a cotton or non-abrasive microfiber towel then wipe ATM screens. Follow up with a dry towel to remove streaks.
DO: clean the ATM fascia and keypad with disinfectant wipes or spray, or 70% isopropyl alcohol.
DO: apply disinfectant spray or 70% isopropyl alcohol on a microfiber towel or non-abrasive pad first, when using in place of disinfectant wipes, then wipe down the keypad and fascia.
DO: make sure cloth is damp with cleanser before cleaning.

ATM Cleaning DONT’S:

DON’T: apply 70% isopropyl alcohol directly onto the ATM screen – always apply to non-abrasive cloth or pad first.
DON’T: spray cleaners or 70% isopropyl alcohol directly onto any part of the ATM.
DON’T: power down ATMs first before cleaning, it is safe to leave them powered on during cleaning process.
DON’T: spray or apply 70% isopropyl alcohol directly on keypad – it will gradually weaken the plastic.
DON’T: soak cleaning cloths with cleanser before wiping down ATM.